A downloadable game

play with up to 16 friends in a room in this goofy lil multiplayer battle royale game 

note that its still in active development

everyone gets 100 health

WASD for movement 

shift to sprint  

r to reload 

tab for leaderboard 

scroll or numbers 1 2 3 4 for weapon switching

since this is in active development muzzle flashes, bullet holes and tracer trails do not exist. If your bullet hits something, there will be a small cloud of dust

if bugs are found pls tell me them in the comments i might fix them

known bugs:

- if you switch weapons during reloading the weapon stays in the frame of the reload animation until reloaded again

- name too long and leaderboard will look weird


note that RPG is one shot but only works half the time.

RPG can be used to jump further by pointing at the ground and shooting; 1 second cooldown and you are equipped with 7 grenades/rockets, accuracy high but is limited to a medium range

AK deals 25 damage and fires 10 rounds per second and has 6 30 round magazines, accuracy high

pistol deals 20 damage and fires 1 round per second with 12 8 round magazines, medium-high accuracy

shotgun deals 10 damage per pellet and fires 9 pellets, 6 "magazines" with 7 rounds, low accuracy at medium to long distances

Updated 42 seconds ago
Published 2 days ago
StatusIn development
GenreShooter, Action, Strategy
Tags3D, Fast-Paced, First-Person, FPS, Indie, Multiplayer, Unity
Average sessionA few seconds
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
MultiplayerServer-based networked multiplayer

Development log


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pls donate me very poor